NaturCycle Mobile App

This case study focuses on developing a mobile app for NaturCycle, a start-up sustainable beauty brand using recycled human waste in skincare. The objective is to communicate the brand's core values, unique selling points, and commitment to sustainability while creating a strong brand presence.

Non-commerical Project | My Role: UX Research, UXUI Design

Non-commerical Project | My Role: UX Research, UXUI Design

Non-commerical Project | My Role: UX Research, UXUI Design

Project showcase
Project showcase
Project showcase


Problem Statement

How can we ensure the app not only showcases the commitment to sustainability but also provides an user-friendly platform for users to explore our extensive array of eco-friendly beauty products with confidence and clarity?



On User Experience
Create an intuitive platform that seamlessly guides users through wide range of sustainable products, resonating with NaturCycle's eco-conscious audience

On Design
Effectively communicate the brand's distinctive mood and tone, blending environmental-friendliness with a scientific edge



To grasp consumer behaviors, needs, and preferences, I conducted user research and analyzed competitors' strengths and weaknesses. This informed strategies for enhancing user experiences.

Competitive Analysis & Comparative Matrix
I conducted a Competitive Analysis alongside my peers using Miro, bringing together our findings and pinpointing key areas of consensus. Then, I narrowed them down to 4 key competitors and create a comparative matrix.

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup


User Persona

2 user personas and empathy maps were created based on the quantitative and qualitative research.


Flow & Journey


IA Site Map



After conducting user research, I proceed with planning the design phase.

Sketches & A/B Testing
8 main page sketches are quickly drew on paper, aiming to figure out the best way to set up the overall design. I explored hamburger menu vs bottom navigation menu, search bar, carousel image, etc. I then conducted A/B testing to collect feedback.


Sketch Wireframe

I utilized the results of the A/B testing to develop wireframes based on the version B. Based on the feedback, I have also incorporated some good parts that people want to keep, such as the bottom menu and carousel in version A.


Lo/Mid-Fi Wireframe

I progressed to the Lo/Mid-Fidelity wireframes, serving as a foundational stage for developing more intricate designs.



Given NaturCycle is a startup company without an established brandbook, I crafted a style guide to ensure a cohesive and distinctive visual identity for the brand and throughout the app.


Hi-Fi Wireframe

I crafted high-fidelity wireframes in harmony with the optimized user flow and identified solutions from the research phase. These wireframes also seamlessly integrate the established style guide.



Finally, a prototype is created to emulate the app's real-world appearance and functionality using Figma.


What I've learnt

Looking back, creating an app for NaturCycle, a startup, had its own set of challenges. It made me realize the complexities of building a platform from scratch, especially for a new company. Another key takeaway was the importance of validating assumptions, in order to drive design decisions. This experience has reinforced the iterative nature of the design process and the critical role of user feedback in shaping successful outcomes.

Thank you for reading through my design and thought process.

Copyright © 2024 • Cherry Wu

Copyright © 2024 • Cherry Wu

Copyright © 2024 • Cherry Wu